IV Therapy: A constantly evolving technique

Intravenous infusions are aqueous solutions of a solute. This mixture can vary its use depending on the solute added, oriented to treat from a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, to anesthetize a patient. It is because of this versatility that, since the invention of the hypodermic needle, by Alexander Wood in 1853, the technique of administration of drugs through IV infusions has not stopped its evolution.

During the development of various medicinal treatments of direct drug administration, researchers discovered that certain compounds that could not be administered directly through an injector, could be done slowly through an intravenous drip. The drip made it possible to hydrate a patient, administer specific nutrients to treat a certain condition and even add pain-blocking drugs. This is how they were using different vascular accesses, selected depending on the type of drip to be applied, having arterial or venous routes, of central or peripheral access.

Nowadays, the use of IV therapy has become popular to treat different deficiencies and discomforts. By being able to directly deliver the nutrients to the bloodstream, immediate absorption is possible and, consequently, rapid relief for any specific condition that a patient may suffer from. Likewise, the decrease in the quality of the food we eat on a daily basis generates a nutritional deficit in a significant portion of the population, which is why IV Therapy is so applicable today.

Another determining factor in the increased use of IV therapy is chronic diseases that cause pain. These force the patient to obtain methods that allow him to obtain some type of analgesia.

In any case, if you suffer from any type of nutritional deficit or are a victim of the pain generated by a chronic condition, it is necessary to be evaluated by a health professional before making the voluntary decision to administer any type of IV therapy.

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